
Banks and financial institutions need call recording not just to ensure their risk and liability exposure is limited, but for regulatory compliance imposed by various government bodies and authorities, making this a prerequisite requirement. In addition the banking industry has to cope with constant economic, world market fluctuation and changes where speed and efficiency are paramount factors in the ability of an organisation to rapidly adapt and expand.

The ability to create secure records of conversations with associated encrypted recordings is required to meet industry mandates. For business transactions involving card payment it is legally required to control the recording of certain data as defined in the PCI/DSS standards.

Office Voice recording provides scalable secure and easy to use telephone system voice recording that provides an irrefutable record of all telephone conversations.

By combining Office  Voice recording with Office Pro live Call Centre monitoring and management not only are liability and regulatory compliance assured but  agent and group performance is also addressed.

Adding CTI integration ensures automated compliance with PCI card payment systems and further performance enhancements by enabling playback of audio recording from within CRM systems.

Office Voice and Office Pro provide:

  • Recording of all inbound/outbound calls
  • Safeguard regulatory compliance including PCI card payment
  • Protect liability
  • Provide agent and group call/contact centre monitoring & reporting
  • Automatically archive recordings
  • All call recordings securely encrypted
  • Easily find & retrieve call recordings
  • Securely access recordings by user logon
  • Make notes on specific calls & flag at risk calls
  • Extract, export or email particular sections of call recordings
  • Provide audit trail of conversations and associated documentation
  • CRM integration including embedding link to play back recording from CRM

Office enables you to optimizing sales, track marketing effectiveness, train employees, maintain compliance, increase productivity and maintain and sustain high levels of customer service.


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